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Will a buyers agent help you negotiate the price?

Will a buyers agent help you negotiate the price?

Client is a Singaporean lady and her SPR husband (Mr and Mrs Belle), buying a 3-bedder condo for their own stay.

Mrs Belle was heavily pregnant – so we had to strike a balance between quickly finding a good place which they could secure before her due date, while being mindful not to stress or tire her out with too many viewings.

They had a limited budget but a wide selection of possible locations (both in the east and northeast) and specific preferences on the floor levels and condition, so one of the challenges was to help them filter down to the best options within a short span of time.

Clients had already shortlisted and viewed some properties before Redbrick introduced Storeys to them. They were inclined towards buying without an agent representing them, as they had met a few agents previously and were unimpressed with their knowledge and recommendations.

As such, Mrs Belle was initially not too keen to speak with me over the phone or share her requirements over text messages.

The turning point came when it came to my knowledge that the mortgage broker from Redbrick would be having a meeting with them to discuss their loan matters. We decided to create some synergy and meet Mr and Mrs B together with the mortgage broker in the office.

This meeting helped to dispel the ‘distrust’ they had towards property agents, as they saw that Redbrick X Storeys were able to holistically serve and help them with a seamless and coordinate approach, rather than “just going with an agent”.

True enough, after we explained to them in detail about the loan process and the purchasing process in the office, they felt more comfortable about letting Storeys help them secure a property.

This opened the door of trust and they started to share with me the other appointments they made and units they have shortlisted.

Some of the properties they viewed with me were arranged by the clients themselves, previously, but I had no problem managing these listing agents well.

Most of the agents were cooperative and open to co-broking even though Mrs Belle  had already liaised with them

After four days of intensive viewings over 20 units, we helped Buyers secure a high-floor 3-bedroom condo in district 19 – below valuation price, to their delight!

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